Yes.I have finally been sucked in by this legendary game.After watching gameplay trailers and the amount of people who play this I decided to give it a go.What's 15 usd a month anyways as long as I get a good experience?World of Warcraft offers a tremendous amount of diversity when it comes to races,classes,and looks of your character.Not as in depth as Aions but it was good enough to make me feel like I had made a character that would fit into the Lore.Also the graphics for WoW are a bit dated but I had read that the races were going to receive a visual revamp later on so don't get down about that.The classes are also abundant with 9 to choose from.I was aiming to make a Death Knight but alas I must have a level 55 character to do so.At first I was expecting what most free to play mmorpgs have to offer.A bunch of people who can't speak English running around doing quests until they reach cap.Well I was wrong.I started off in the area of Gilneas.I had chosen a Worgen Warrior as my starter class.During my time in the starter area I was greeted by a few friendly players and was also admitted into a guild.I decided to read the first quest since I had heard much about WoW lore and how good it was.I must say this quest may have been a simple "go talk to npc" quest but the description was better than what most free to play games offer.
During my run through the first few levels I was amazed at the splendor that the environment held.I was also amazed that my computer hadn't gone on the fritz!WoW was the only game that I could run on maximum settings without lagging in Stormwind.That was a huge plus for me and it may be for those out there with a moderate rig.As I ran through the town I had forgotten about the talent tree system.Each class has 3 different talent trees in which to allocate points and make their character even stronger.My choice was Fury because I mean come on I'm a Worgen Warrior!
A few hours into the game play and I had hit level 33.I was shaping up and going far!I had also earned my first 100 gold thanks to the crafting system in WoW.I had been invited by some guildies to do a random dungeon with them and I did.At first I expected for it to just be another tank and spank run as usual but,to my surprise,it required teamwork and coordination to do a good job and avoid any party wipes.On vent with my guildies I could hear the party leader issuing commands and on one of the groups we had to take down I was told to switch to sword and board and be ready to draw aggro from the main tank if her health got too low.I did a pretty decent job of not dying while still keeping aggro off of the other party members and also enjoyed myself since we all knew what our roles were and did a good job of fulfilling them.
I have yet to scratch the surface of WoW!I still need to look into the Dual Talent,Glyph,and 25 man raids but from what I have experienced so far World of Warcraft is worthy of it's title.Even with the Pandas.Blizzard World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria PC 72853 (Google Affiliate Ad)
Final Review:
Cash Shop: None
Content: 10/10
Dungeon Fighter Online is exactly what it's name says.With a Final Fight like graphics and combat system you can easily get into the action and defeat hordes of baddies.The classes are broken down into 9 different basic classes and then at level 20 can advance to different sub classes.You can go here to check the classes out and see which it is that suits you best.This online game is also compatible with a game pad and I would recommend it as it makes it easier to chain together skills. Classes
This game is peer to peer unfortunately so you may have difficulty playing if you are grouped with a member that has crappy internet.It would be better if you got some close friends and went ahead to save you from the frustrating lag.Also just like most fighting games you have a few "Lives" or chances to revive in a dungeon once you die.The cash shop also sells some tokens to revive you on the spot.But even though this may seem like a way for Nexon to make a quick buck it is not.You will rarely die in a dungeon and you receive a daily amount of tokens to use.So do not fret!
This will be a short review due to the fact that this is one of the best games I have played and is also available on Xbox Live!So if you have the time and bandwidth to play then I suggest you give it a go.As usual here is the final review and also a game play video.Yes the combat is that fast.
Season 2 Act VI has been release introducing a new dungeon that is both challenging and rewarding!Check it out here!
Dungeon Fighter has been shutdown by Nexon.You can play Dungeon and Fighter though here:
Final Review:
Gameplay: 10/10
Community: 8/10
Graphics: 8/10
Combat: 10/10
Cash Shop: 10/10