Dekaron is a fast paced,gore filled,flashy,mmorpg that delivers an unforgettable experience to any gamer. Dekaron has a selection of seven classes and will release new classes as time passes. Unfortunately all the classes are gender locked so you may need to play as a female for some classes. Dekaron is centered around grinding exp off mobs and farming so if you aren't fans of those two then this isn't for you. As I made my way into town I saw plenty of players with nice flashy armor,weapons,and even wings!But of course you have none when you start.Combat was fairly fast when I began playing and as I unlocked more and more skills things got more intense.With each level you also obtain stat points to distribute as you wish.It would be recommended to look up a build or at least get an idea of what stats are important for your class of choice.
Dekaron has open PvP so don't think your time here will be easy.High level players WILL hunt you down if you piss them off or if they are already pissed off for whatever reason.So keep your wits about you!There is a penalty for killing players so if you decide to take part in it be prepared!PvP is also gear dependent and also the level of your gear and the amount of sockets they have as well as gems that you embed in them.So if you are one that likes to customize gear in order to suit your play style then you'll be fine here.
Dekaron does have it's downsides though.The cash shop may seem a bit pay to win to some players but if you have time to farm items you will be fine.A recent addition to the cash shop were +9 gear for certain levels that include a weapon.Though it isn't that much of a big deal it can provide a p2w environment if the later level set and armor are purchased.Dekaron also has instances for players to go through but most of this game will be spent solo playing except in certain in game events.
Currently there is an ongoing event that grants players a free level 65 character with a +5 set and weapons.You get more gear as you level so I suggest anyone interested in this check it out!A special npc gives you quests to level up faster!Have fun!
Nice review.Fair and straight to the point.